Monday, August 13, 2012

The Arts and the Humanities in Pakistan

The Arts and the Humanities.

Support for the Arts. 

 The Pakistan National Council of the Arts (PNCA) has established the National Gallery, the Sadiqain Gallery, and the National Music and Dance Center. They also regularly hold exhibitions, seminars and theater workshops.In the early 1970s the National Film Development Corporation was formed to use film to make people aware of social and cultural values. The corporation holds film festivals regularly.

Graphic Arts:

Pakistani handicrafts are as varied as the ethnic backgrounds of the craftsmen and include work in wood, beaten brass and copperware, pottery, and jewelry, a wide variety of fabrics that feature embroidery, and the hand-designed carpets for which Pakistan is internationally recognized.

 Faiz Ahmad Faiz is considered to have been Pakistan's greatest poet, and there is a national holiday celebrating his birth. Pakistan has been referred to as a land of poetry, and it is said that nearly every Pakistani has written some poetry.
 There are a wide variety of graphic art examples, including hand painted clay products, the hand design for batik products, and block printing called Ajrak. Glazed pottery with hand painted designs is common throughout the country, and artistic work in clay goes back in History thousands of years.

Performance Arts:

 There are so many dance and music performance arts in Pakistan, many unique to the ethnic culture of the performer, that they are almost considered common rather than unique. Music and dance are done in the both classical and folk form. Usually the performer wears a costume that features ethnic design. Just as the costume worn by the performer identifies the tribe or ethnic group, so does the music or performance.

For example, while dancing in a circle is the basic formation for Pakistani folk dances, there are also many versions of the Pathans' khattak, but they all begin with dancers in two columns accompanied by pipe and drum music. There is the Jhoomer in Baluchistan, which involves spinning around at top speed, as men do on dark nights by the light of flickering torches. The women of Punjab do the Jhoomer in what is referred to as a romantic fashion. Also in Punjab, the Luddi starts with girls singing to the beat of a drum; then they join in a circle and start to dance. Still another dance of Punjab is the Bhangra which is described as being like rock and roll and which is always done at the beginning of the harvest season. The Luddi Ho Jamalo originated in Sind but is popular throughout Pakistan. It is a dance that is performed as part of a victory or celebration.

Facts about Pakistan

Secular Celebrations.

Official national holidays include Pakistan Day, 23 March; May Day, 1 May; Independence Day, August 14; Defense of Pakistan Day, 6 September; death of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, 11 September; and birth of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, 25 December.
The Awami Mela or People's Festival of Lahore held annually each March, is a six-day pageant that features equestrian sports, cattle displays, and enormous crowds of people. Special events include polo, animal dances, large band displays, acrobatics by camels, dancing horses, parades, and folk dances.

Another festival in Lahore is Basant, when the sky is filled with thousands of colored kites in celebration of the coming of spring. The color yellow is associated with the festival, everyone dresses in yellow and mostly yellow foods are cooked.
Often a national holiday is declared when Pakistan's national cricket team wins a major international match.

Medicine and Health Care

Medical experts reported that prenatal mortality rates in Pakistan were alarmingly high, with an estimated 54 deaths per thousand births. A 1990–1994 national health survey reported that eighty-nine children per thousand under age five died in Pakistan from pneumonia, diarrhea, vaccine prevention diseases, or a combination of them, with most of these deaths occurring in the first week after birth. A number of programs have been undertaken to attack polio; the World Health Organization and Japan have participated. At the end of the twentieth century, there were one hundred thousand deaths from and at least twenty thousand new cases of paralytic polio each year. A survey by the Federal Bureau of Statistics in Pakistan indicated that about 50 percent of the basic health units were without doctors and that about 70 percent of government health facilities are without any female staff. Only about 56 percent of the country's people have safe drinking water and just 24 percent have good sanitation. Programs are underway to expand basic health services for women, develop a women-friendly district health system, and both strengthen and improve human resource capacity to sustain women's health development in Pakistan.

Facts about Pakistan

Death and Afterlife: 

 Shab-e-Barat is also celebrated as a remembrance day of deceased family and friends. Special illumination of the mosques takes place and food is distributed among the poor. It is also a time when children participate in fireworks. After distribution of the food the Qur'an is read and prayers are said; then most Muslims visit cemeteries and put flowers and lights on the graves of deceased family and friends.
Other religions in Pakistan also have special festivals or rituals and holidays, with Christmas and Easter being the special ones of the 750,000 Pakistani Christians. Christmas coincides with the birthday of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Pakistan's founder, so both Muslims and Christians celebrate on this day.
The main festival of the Buddhist community is Beisakhi Purnima, the day on which Buddha was born; it is the same calendar date when later in his life he is believed to have attained his great wisdom of enlightenment.
Parsi citizens of Pakistan celebrate their New Year (Nao rooz) on 21 March. Approximately 5500, Parsies live near Karachi, Pakistan’s first capital. Set on the shore of the Arabian Sea, is a center of commerce and industry.
Pakistani Hindus also have a number of festivals; the two most special ones are Diwali (Festival of Lights) and Holi (Festival of Colors). The Festival of Lights is held in Lahore at the Shalimar Gardens, which are filled with multicolored lights and where folk music and dances are performed.
A colorful and interesting festival is held in KPK Province in April, in the Peshawar stadium. Events include the famous Khattak dance of the Pathans and musical concerts; tribal people participate in colorful costumes.
During Eid, tribesmen gather around the shrine of Hazrat Baba Kharwari in Ziarat Valley, and wrestling and marksmanship contests are held. A large number of people visit it regularly to offer sacrifices in memory of the Great saint.
The Quaid-e-Azam Residency in Ziarat Valley was Muhammad Ali Jinnah's residence during his last illness and now houses relics of him and is a highly revered sacred site. It was originally built in l882 by the British and used by the agent to the governor as his summer headquarters.
Takht Bhai is one of the holy places of Buddhism. The Buddhist monastery of Takht Bhai stands 500 feet (152 meters) high above the plain on the hill. The Buddhists selected this spot to construct a religious complex where the monks and students could pursue their rituals and studies. The main stupa is surrounded on three sides by chapels in which images of both the Buddha and Bodhisattva were installed.
Makli Hill, near Thatta town is where more than one million graves of Kings, queens, saints, scholars, philosophers, and soldiers are located. Gravestones and mausoleums are considered masterpieces in stone carving representing different eras of History and dynasties
Other religions in Pakistan also have special festivals or rituals and holidays, with Christmas and Easter being the special ones of the 750,000 Pakistani Christians. Christmas coincides with the birthday of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Pakistan's founder, so both Muslims and Christians celebrate on this day.
The main festival of the Buddhist community is Beisakhi Purnima, the day on which Buddha was born; it is the same calendar date when later in his life he is believed to have attained his great wisdom of enlightenment.
Parsi citizens of Pakistan celebrate their New Year (Nao rooz) on 21 March. Approximately 5500, Parsies live near Karachi, Pakistan’s first capital. Set on the shore of the Arabian Sea, is a center of commerce and industry.
Pakistani Hindus also have a number of festivals; the two most special ones are Diwali (Festival of Lights) and Holi (Festival of Colors). The Festival of Lights is held in Lahore at the Shalimar Gardens, which are filled with multicolored lights and where folk music and dances are performed.
A colorful and interesting festival is held in KPK Province in April, in the Peshawar stadium. Events include the famous Khattak dance of the Pathans and musical concerts; tribal people participate in colorful costumes.
During Eid, tribesmen gather around the shrine of Hazrat Baba Kharwari in Ziarat Valley, and wrestling and marksmanship contests are held. A large number of people visit it regularly to offer sacrifices in memory of the Great saint.
The Quaid-e-Azam Residency in Ziarat Valley was Muhammad Ali Jinnah's residence during his last illness and now houses relics of him and is a highly revered sacred site. It was originally built in l882 by the British and used by the agent to the governor as his summer headquarters.
Takht Bhai is one of the holy places of Buddhism. The Buddhist monastery of Takht Bhai stands 500 feet (152 meters) high above the plain on the hill. The Buddhists selected this spot to construct a religious complex where the monks and students could pursue their rituals and studies. The main stupa is surrounded on three sides by chapels in which images of both the Buddha and Bodhisattva were installed.
Makli Hill, near Thatta town is where more than one million graves of Kings, queens, saints, scholars, philosophers, and soldiers are located. Gravestones and mausoleums are considered masterpieces in stone carving representing different eras of History and dynasties.

Facts about Pakistan


Infant Care; 

 The addition of a new baby to a Muslim family is seen as a great blessing and there is a wide variety of ceremonies that take place both at the birth and throughout the different stages of infancy. To help families with infant care, there are child health centers throughout the country.

 Child Rearing and Education; 

 Most Pakistani families consider it a privilege of the grandfather to name the baby. Another tradition is that the first garment for a baby's layette is made from an old shirt that had belonged to the grandfather. The child is usually named within forty days after birth and thus is generally known by a nickname until then. A baby boy's hair is shaved off, with the belief that this will then ensure thick growth throughout life. The shaved hair is weighed and balanced against silver, and that silver is then given to the poor.

Higher Education: 

 Higher education is seen as having an important role in preparing an individual for a successful career. There are nearly one thousand colleges and universities located throughout almost the entire country.

Religious Beliefs; 

 Pakistan was formed as an Islamic nation, and Islam continues to be the religion of approximately 95 percent of the population. There are also small groups of Buddhists, Christians, Parsies, Qadianies and Hindus. The Muslim religion Islam has a full system of beliefs based on Quran and Hadith of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH), according to Islamic belief, he received messages from God and conveyed them to Humanity, which in published form became the Qur'an, the Islamic book that instructs Muslims on how to conduct their lives according to will of Allah (God)and his Beloved Prophet.

Rituals and Holy Places;

An equally important Muslim celebration is Eid-I-Milad-un-Nabi, the birth of the Prophet Muhammad, on the twelfth day of Rabi-uh-Awwal, which is the third month of the Muslim calendar. In addition to special gatherings in mosques, where the story of the life and mission of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is told, large groups of Muslims parade through the streets singing praise to Muhammad (PBUH). Even private homes are decorated (as are the mosques) in celebration and praise of Muhammad (PBUH).
Another important Muslim religious festival is Shab-e-Barat, which is held on the fourteenth day of Shaaban, the eighth month of the Muslim year. The belief is that on this day the lives and fortunes of mankind are registered in Heaven for the coming year. During Muharram, which is the first month of the Muslim calendar, the martyrdom of Imam Husain (AS), the grandson of Muhammad (PBUH), is commemorated. For the first nine days of the month the martyrdom is recounted, and then on the tenth day, which is the day he was martyred, there are barefoot processions with persons carrying banners relating to the tragedy of his martyrdom

Facts about Pakistan

Gender Roles and Statuses:

 Division of Labor by Gender

 The majority of Pakistani women are homemakers, and men are generally referred to as the bread earners. The largest percentage of working women in Pakistan is nurses or teachers. Women are represented in government as ministers in Parliament and ambassadors. Miss Benazir Bhutto was the first female prime minister and served from 1988 to 1990.

 Relative Status of Women and Men; 

 The women of Pakistan are regular voters as are the men, and women also are regular attendees in colleges. Islam gives women rights to child custody, to alimony, and to inheritance, and they also have the right to conduct business and enter into any profession. Women are engaged in agriculture production and the services sector. Women judges have been appointed to four high courts as well as several lower courts and a 10 percent quota was established for women to become police officers. There are growing numbers of violent crimes against women and the government has introduced the concept of women police stations, which have been opened in Rawalpindi, Karachi, and Abbott-abad in the KPK province.Under the ministry of women development Crises Centers for women in distress are working free legal aid is given to those suffering from domestic violence. A number of computer training centers have been established for women and the government has opened "women development centers" that specialize in training community development workers in family planning, hygiene, sanitation, adult literacy, community organization, and legal rights.

Marriage, Family and Kinship


 Muslim marriage involves a Nikah, a formal legal document signed by the bride and groom in front of several witnesses; this establishes that the couple is legally married. Walima a grand Party is offered after Nikah, with the delicious foods cooked according to customs of area. There are other Muslim marriage traditions as well. One includes the Maaiyun or lagan which takes place three or four days before the marriage and starts with the bride retiring to a secluded area of her home. On the day before the marriage there is a Menhdi ceremony, when the bride's hands and feet are painted with Henna. When the marriage ceremony takes place it is require that at least two witnesses must be there, and all the guests offer a short prayer for the success of the marriage. After the ceremony, dried dates or sweats are distributed to the guests. Wedding customs vary somewhat among provinces, but the Muslim marriage is seen as uniting and binding both families as well as the couple. Each tribe has certain ceremonies that are important part of the marriages within that group.


Women enjoy inheritance rights in Pakistan, so that inheritance benefits can go to women and children after the death of the husband and father.

Kin Groups; 
  A Muslim marriage is seen as uniting the families of both the bride and groom, so the kin group is expanded after a marriage. In some tribes there can be neither a cross-cultural marriage nor a dual ethnic one, so therefore the kin groups are and basically remain identical in ethnic and cultural nature.

Facts about Pakistan

Facts about Pakistan.

 Military:The military of Pakistan consists of members from all ethnic groups within the country. They have performed duties in United Nations (UN) peacekeeping and nation-building activities in different areas of the world. Soldiers in the Pakistani Army are regular participants in the long-running dispute, sometimes resulting in violence, with India regarding sovereignty over Kashmir.

  Non-governmental Organizations and Other    Associations:

 There are a number of Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Pakistan, including the Aurat and Behbood women's organizations, as well as international Lions and Rotary clubs, to which a large number of people participate. The World Bank and its various agencies have been active in Pakistan since 1952.NRSP is contributing towards rural development and human resource development in whole country.Aga Khan Rural Support Program has worked to build up village organizations with separate groups for men and women and then, through their groups, to launch a number of development activities. The Orange Pilot Project’s headquarter is in Karachi, has been active in urban development, including works to improve one of Karachi's worst slum areas, with the first focus being on sanitation, followed by a range of community development active programs. 

Importance of Pakistan.

 Importance  of Pakistan.

Pakistan is very important country according to its Geo-strategic location in south-east Asia. It has a key position because there are few links by land to the north and northwest and there are Huge mountains ranges where the climate is very harsh. Khyber Pass provides a land route to Afghanistan and beyond that. The Karakorum Highway is an easy way to it's neighboring country China. Also there are many passes in Pakistan which join it with its neighbors like Khanjrab Pass. Coastal area of Pakistan along with the Arabian sea is very important for trading by sea, both with far-east, South Asia and middle Eastern countries. There are air routes available because of its central position for trade. Karachi is a great warm water harbor and trading hub. Ga-wader port in Baluchistan province is very important for future trade of Pakistan in collaboration with China. 

Facts about Pakistan.

Linguistic Affiliation:

  The official language of Pakistan is Urdu, but most public officials, people, and others in Pakistan also speak English; English is referred to as the informal official language of Pakistan. Urdu was created by combining the languages of early invaders and settlers including:  Arabic, Persian, and Turkish. The spoken form of Urdu is the same as that of Hindi but it is written in a different script than Hindi. While Urdu and English are prevalent throughout Pakistan, a number of other languages are spoken in different valleys and areas. These include the Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashto, Blotchy, Brahvi, Saraiki, and Hindko dialects, among others.  Symbolism. The design of Pakistan's flag was officially adopted by the country's Constituent Assembly in July 1947, it was flown for the first time on their independence day, 14 August l947. The flag was designed by Syed Ameer-ud-deen Qudwai ,  There is a thick white strip on the left side of the flag; the rest of the flag has a dark green background with a white crescent and a five-pointed star centered on it. The white represents peace, and the dark green represents prosperity. The crescent stands for progress, and the star stands for light, guidance, and knowledge. Pakistan also has a national emblem. In the middle of a circled wreath of jasmine flowers is a shield that has four sections, each of which shows a major product of the country from when the country was created. One section shows cotton, another shows wheat, one tea, and one jute. Above the four sections are the crescent and star, as on the national flag. On a scroll beneath the wreath is written in Urdu “Faith, Unity, Discipline”.


Demography of Pakistan

Demography of Pakistan: 

 The population of Pakistan is estimated to be 135 million. An estimated 40 million live in urban areas, with the balance in rural areas. In addition to the residents of the major cities of Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, and Peshawar, which is the city at the edge of the Kybher Pass gateway, a number of tribal residents live in valleys.

 These include Chitral Valley, at an elevation of 3,800 feet (1,158 meters), where the majority of the people are Muslims but that also is home to the Kafir-Kalash (wearers of the black robe), a primitive pagan tribe. In Swat Valley, which was once the cradle of Buddhism, Muslim conquerors fought battles and residents claim to be descendants of soldiers of Alexander the Great. In the Hunza Valley, people are noted Pakistan for longevity, which they claim is because of diet and way of life. The people of Hunza Valley are Muslims and also are believed to be descendants of soldiers of Alexander the Great. In NorthWest Frontier Province is Kaghan Valley, which is bounded on the west by Swat Valley, on the north by Gilgit, and on the east by Azad Kashmir. The people of Kaghan Valley are Muslim-Pathans as well as Kohistanis and Gujars. Skardu Valley is the capital of the district of Baltistan and is known as "Little Tibet" because the lifestyle there is similar to that in Tibet itself. The people of each of these valley areas are well known for their tribal cultures, handicrafts, and for fascinating clothing, most of which is woven and handmade there and unique to their particular area.

 Geographic Location of  Pakistan:

          All of the country except the southern portion is landlocked, with Afghanistan to the northwest, Jammu and Kashmir to the northeast, India to the east and southeast, and Iran to the west. In the southern portion, along the shores of the city of Karachi, which was the original capital when the nation was formed in l947, is the Arabian Sea. Karachi is well known for its shorelines. Most of the northern section of the country consists of mountains and also the famous Khyber Pass. Pakistan consists of several provinces, including Punjab, Sind, North-Khaiber Pakhtoon Khawh(KPK) , Baluchistan, and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA).

The city of Islamabad, which is centrally located in the country, was officially named the capital of Pakistan in 1961, and construction began on government buildings. Islamabad became the active capital in 1966. In addition to modern government buildings it also features a wide variety of modern hotels, an international airport, and the nearby famous ancient city of Rawalpindi. Pakistan is diverse.There are snowcapped mountains in the north, sunny beaches in the south, and a wide variety of geographically and culturally interesting sites elsewhere.  In addition to being known for a number of mountains, including K-2, which is the second-highest mountain in world, Pakistan also has several lakes and rivers, including the Indus River, which is 1,800 miles (2,896 kilometers) long. Pakistan also has several deserts, in Punjab and Sind. Pakistan is also home to Taxilla, the oldest known university in the world. In the north, leading from China, through Jammu and Kashmir, is a famous ancient silk road.